“TRISO Particles are the most robust Nuclear Fuel on earth”
U.S. Department of Energy
What is TRISO Fuel?
The most critical element in the design of advanced nuclear reactors is a robust fuel that can withstand very high temperatures without melting.
Nuclear Fuel Kernels
At the center of TRISO particles is a spherical uranium-bearing kernel. TRISO-X is currently capable of making various uranium bearing nuclear fuel kernels.
Coated Particle Layers
Coated particle layers are applied to uranium bearing particles using a fluidized-bed chemical vapor deposition (FB-CVD) process.
Fuel Forms
TRISO particles may be consolidated into a wide range of fuel form geometries within a variety of matrix materials. The most common TRISO fuel forms are cylindrical compacts and spherical pebbles where the TRISO particles are embedded in a graphite.
The TRISO-X R&D Center (TRDC) is a world class facility for producing up to NQA-1 data to support your data needs. Many services are available ranging from full R&D projects to mechanical property data collection.